Acumen provided planning, consulting and administrative services to support the development and implementation of a strategic Asset Management Plan (AMP) for BART. Acumen provided the following services with these AMP goals in mind: to effectively address system reinvestments, keep an accurate inventory and condition record of all components, minimize risk and maintain BART’s strategic plan and long-term financial stability.
- Developed advanced Microsoft Access databases to facilitate AMP activities.
- Collected data including compiling information for contract and/or procurement packages, risk registers and performance metrics.
- Created portfolio and project reports that provided actionable intelligence for managers.
- Documented processes, including training and transfer of duties to internal staff.
- Linked asset management deliverables with the overall inventory environment: IBM Rational Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System (DOORS).
- Improved category core data sets: correlated data in Maximo and Surrogate; formulated data to knowledge plan; performed failure/defect data to Maximo; formulated BART projects to a single plan; integrated GIS data.
- Performed site surveys and data collection, including data from as-built plans; assed condition of assets; and built an asset location hierarchy.