Systems Engineering

Systems Engineering

Successful systems engineering relies on effective support and insightful leadership to conceive, design, develop, integrate, manage and, eventually, retire complex systems of all types. Acumen is adept at the evaluation of competing visions to arrive at the accurate solution for the client’s short- and long-term needs. We use a methodical and well-documented approach to  identify stakeholders and system users to create cohesion and enable the successful realization, use and retirement of engineered systems.


Multilingual software engineers have extensive experience in systems architecture design, programming and database development as well as providing updates for technical products, project control systems and custom business applications.

Innovative, low-cost fare collection solutions for urban and rural commuter rail and bus operators include the design and implementation of contactless smart card reader systems. 

Software and hardware specialists support solid network communications design, development and maintenance which is crucial to protect and enhance the rider/user experience as they stay connected through their journey.

Acumen provides a number of services to support train control modernization and operations, including assisting agencies in meeting the federal mandate to implement positive train control, operations and maintenance cost estimates, analysis of preferred revenue collection systems, pre-operations testing and training, and technical writing services.

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