Operations & Maintenance
Transit systems across the nation are being threatened by the accelerated loss of subject matter expertise in the workforce, coupled with critical physical assets reaching the end of their economic lives. Acumen brings a heightened focus and years of project experience to the crucial improvement of transit system operations and maintenance (O&M) services and asset management efforts to stave off this looming crisis.
Acumen supports asset management in transit that prioritizes funding based on condition and performance to achieve and maintain a state of good repair (SGR) for the nation’s public transportation assets.
Facility inspections are important for all transit businesses, regardless of their size. In support of these efforts, Acumen’s objectives for internal safety audits, for example, are to identify hazards, monitor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and ensure that corrective actions are taken appropriately.
We provide life cycle cost assessment to ascertain the total cost of an asset over its life cycle including initial capital costs, maintenance costs, operating costs and the asset’s residual value at the end of its life.
The Acumen team provides excellent preventive, predictive, and corrective maintenance analysis. Proper maintenance programs can offer huge returns including the reduction of unscheduled downtime, allowing for scheduled and budgeted repairs, and maintaining a longer life for the structure and/or system.
Related Projects

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Maintenance of Way Assessment
Acumen conducted an independent assessment of major elements of Metro’s Maintenance of Way Engineering department.

Amtrak American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Los Angeles Maintenance Facility
For this ARRA-funded project, Acumen provided construction management services for building the new maintenance facility in Los Angeles, CA.

BART Digital Asset Management
Acumen played a key role in developing an accurate inventory and condition record of all components to minimize risk and maintain financial stability.